Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Are The Best Sympathy Plants Isn't This Assassination Plot Against Obama A Rather Lame October Surprise Plot By These DNC Plants?

Isn't this assassination plot against Obama a rather lame October Surprise plot by these DNC plants? - what are the best sympathy plants

I mean, really desperate to win fake Obama liked to cook up a plan or what? Pretty desperate


eric s said...

Chances are the skinheads are Democrats anyway.

meowquee... said...

Why does the DNC need to get these kind of things? Obama leads in most polls, more than one million people have already voted in my state of Florida (assuming) the first vote for Obama more sense for the GOP would make a shot, as you know, ... BLACK Obama supporters a great success and a pair of carving B into her face.

Lord, you are intelligent.

DabberDo... said...

NO NO NO! I would not say a few supporters of McCain, if McCain is not being made in secret behind the scenes at the trial, cuz he did not like how they are Poles. McCain is scary! Would it also attempts to put off Obama! Thus was the creation of somebody, nobody would suspect him, a try.

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