Thursday, January 21, 2010

Silk How Much Deos It Cost How Much CHI Silk Infusion Should I Use At Once?

How much CHI Silk Infusion should I use at once? - silk how much deos it cost

My bottle of CHI Silk Infusion is only 2 grams, and not all the same 3 weeks. How should I use both? Some people say that a few drops, while others say that the size of the sum of ten cents. I am so Confuzed.


bgirl said...

I love this product! I have thick, shoulder length, naturally curly, color treated hair. I use a few drops of this stuff before and after drying. I also what came into my hands and my eyebrows. It makes my hair and eyebrows look perfectly organized. I use it almost every day and a 6 oz bottle takes me 10 months.

BballinG... said...

It depends on how many hairs. If it long and thick, a size of penny. If it is shorter and thinner, then simply add a little drop or two. This is one of those products in which less is more:]

I kNo! said...

dimesized on the amount, if you have thick hair.
Fine hair is a few drops.
They also try to use it on the organization of his hair.

I kNo! said...

dimesized on the amount, if you have thick hair.
Fine hair is a few drops.
They also try to use it on the organization of his hair.

PuRe said...

Dime size, otherwise your hair looks fat. Neighborhood size, if it really long.

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