Saturday, January 2, 2010

Index Of/teen Girls Jpg Why Do People Encourage Teen Pregnancy Here?

Why do people encourage teen pregnancy here? - index of/teen girls jpg

Seriously ... has many children, the children have here. Teenage pregnancies rose by 3% in the period 2005-2006. That's a lot!

then you have to ask the people what's the benefit of teenage pregnancies and those who say it is not and you are saying, stop, children, young people are thumbs down ...

I mean seriously ... Why do people resort to encourage children, children.

This should not be tolerated, and I wonder who I can write with this terrible epidemic, too.

I submit that my children have children at this age ...

Fear is a need to educate our children, everything they have to do, it is relieved to have a child and help automatically and the Free University .. Enjoy all the help that aside and let them suffer for their mistakes .... do something to ...

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